UK Wide 03 Numbers
Ofcom's new 03 ranges are known as UK-Wide Numbers. These have been introduced as an alternative to traditional 08 numbers (such as 0844, 0845, 0870 and 0871) to restore public confidence in Non Geographic Numbers.
UK-Wide 03 numbers cost the caller the same to dial as standard Geographic (01/02) numbers and are included in any landline and mobile call packages, which are especially useful for mobile users as latest figures show around 60% of all calls in the UK are made from mobile phones. If you operate in the Public Sector we can provide you with Ofcom's new range of 0300 or 0303 numbers. This may be revalent to health clinics and doctors' surgeries for example as the Department of Health is currently considering a ban on the use of 0844 and 0845 numbers by the NHS. To apply for this range the organization will need to pass Ofcom criteria, which can be found on the Ofcom Website.
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Easy To Use
It's easy to order
- Search for the number of your choice
- Purchase your number online
- Set up your routing
- Start using your number
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Virtual Office
Our standard Virtual Office application includes:
- Greeting Message
- Call Forwarding
- Fax To Email
- Voicemail To Email
- Scheduling
- Online Editing
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Switch Numbers is a trading name of Switch In Ltd : Unit 6 Badminton Court : Station Road : Bristol : BS37 5HZ
www.switch-tele.com :
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Telephone 0345 652 2222 :
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